Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Windows Update Get Stuck and Keeps Rebooting

Windows Update Get Stuck and Keeps Rebooting

1.       Run Live CD:
·         UBCD for Windows
·         Windows Live CD/DVD
·         UBUNTU etc.
2.       Click on Partition Drive that contains OS.
3.       Browse to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers and Search for File Deepfrz.sys (Move Deepfrz.sys File to Temp Folder.)
4.       Browse to C:\Program Files (x86) – Double Click – (Look for Faronics Folder and Moved to Temp Folder)
5.       Restart your Computer and Wait for everything to loaded; it should bring you to your Computer Desktop.
6.       Note: Your Mouse and Keyboard is not working at this time.
7.       Re-run Live CD:
·         UBCD for Windows
·         Windows Live CD/DVD
·         UBUNTU etc.
8.       Click on Partition Drive that contains OS.
9.       Find your Temp Folder in Local Drive
10.   Move Deepfrz.sys File from Temp Folder to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers.
11.   Go to Temp Folder again; Move Faronics Folder to C:\Program Files (x86)
12.   Reboot your Computer ; Now everything should work like normal. 

Deep Freeze + Windows Locked Loop: Change to thawed mode

So, You’re stuck in a loop?

If you using the evalution edition – it’s no problem! just change your date 30 days to the future and deep freeze will stop working.
If you using the full edition you need a different solution:

To remove frozen mode without access to your windows, you must use a recovery OS.
You can use either Any Linux LiveCD, HBCD, Windows Recovery CD,  PXE Solution or whatever to load any NTFS/FAT Supported OS.


First you need another way to start your computer.
It can be your Windows Recovery CD, Any Live Boot CD/PXE or any environment which you can copy files in your local system. I will recommend UBUNTU/HBCD but Choose whatever suits you:

Quick Links:

1. Download UBUNTU

2. Download HBCD (Direct File Download: Hirens.BootCD.15.2.zip)

3. or Use the recovery console on your Windows CD (not recommended – using command line)


Load your system from recovery CD or LINUX or any Live environment. the file which controls the DF (Deep Freeze) State located on C:\. if you have version 5, or version 6.

DF 5 : Replace file : Persi 0.sys

DF 6 : Replace file : $Persi0.sys

you need to repalce the file in drive C with the same file.

Just browse using any file-explorer to drive c:\, copy the file to other location, and then – copy it back to the same place.

if you need help to copy the file itself from command:

from Command:

mkdir c:\temp
copy c:/Persi o.sys c:/temp
copy c:/temp/Persi o.sys c:/


You are in  thawed mode!