Wednesday, February 11, 2015

PC Maintenance

Here is the process for PC Maintenance

​Follow this procedure on all tools when you do maintenance/imaging
With your shift having so few tools being used, you should be able to get a couple tools done everyday.

1) Check event logs for any errors, clear logs if no issues, resolve issues found, if unable to resolve let me know, do not clear logs with unsolved issues.

2) Run Cleanmanager

3) Verify Solidcore is installed on XP, but NOT installed on anything Win 7 or Win 8, if installed you'll need to contact me

4) Delete trace.txt from C:\bts\HisTdi if exists

5) Check data size on both C and D IF under 50Gig they can be imaged, At the minimum you must get the C: partition done

6) Verify no junk on disk ex: vnc install downloads, flash downloads etc in download or temp directories, check for personal directories created on tools that operators mayh have created.

7) System restore. Check size used, if too large lower the percentage so system can be imaged, restore restore percentage back to original size after imaging.
If not turned on for C: drive, turn it on, I usually create size 130Gig/

8) Verify Remote desktop is setup for local administrator, bambi, engineer, and AD  seagate\7012; seagate\7743, engineer,  login name of tool

9) VNC is up to date and working. Check for other accounts on system. Some tools may have factory support administrator accounts, those are ok. If too many admin accounts, let me know and I will check to be sure they really should exist.

10) McAfee Agent is version on XP and up OS's

11) McAfee Enterprise is version

12) Engine 5600.x.x

13) administrator, bambi, engineer, ensure accounts have current passwords

14) Verify that updates are installing, most systems should have updates, verify that they are happening, if not get updates installed.
There are 1 or 2 that cannot have updates, there is usually a note on desktop from me about updates if not to be done, and they updates would be turned off. 

15) Make sure Defrag is set to run nightly and is running on schedule

16) Defrag completely before imaging​

17) Image and verify image.

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